Front garden - filled in!

The front of the house is looking great. It's September 27 and we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for this year's projects. A lot of the tough work is done on the house -- window sashes painted, sills stabilized, everything's re-caulked, gutters painted, etc. The only things that aren't painted are the house dormers and other high trim that Mr. H wasn't able to get to due to lack of comfort on the roof. Here's the current vista. Looks good:

(Compare this with where we started in April 2015.) 

The plants in the beds have taken done well, though the compact viburnum on the far right, behind the sedum is a bit slow in the uptake. I keep telling Ms. K that I planted one of the same variety at the old house and it took a year or so for it to really shine. Here's to waiting! The paver walkway we put in looks like it's been there forever already. Excellent!

The aster looks great, even though it and the sedum are fighting for space. Sigh. Remember how small the aster and sedum were back in June?

Cotton candy stachys also did very well, though this blossom is a bit past its prime: 

We are quite pleased with the plants we ordered from Bluestone Perennials, with the notable exception of the leptodermis (those have been sequestered elsewhere, to hopefully thrive near the patio).

In back, the morning glories are very prolific. Earlier, Ms. K was worried the seed she planted weren't going to take off.  I'm happy to report they are doing very well, climbing well beyond the trellis we put in, reaching skyward into the trees!

I forget which variety this is; the striped flowers are magnificent. Too bad we can only enjoy them on the weekends...:

...and so are the pink striped ones as well.

 Next step: find places for the bulbs Ms. K ordered so they have a home in the ground when they arrive later this fall.
