My container game is strong this year! Nothing has died yet and I have color in the front of the house that isn't otherwise provided by the shrubs that Mr. H. prefers to plant. Most importantly (to me, anyway), I am keeping with my guiding principle of avoiding red/orange flowers in the front.* I love flowering plants that trail down the side of containers, and I'm particularly loving the bright yellow lantana and the blue-purple lamium!
I planted up these pots about 2 months ago. They are so nice and full now - we're truly in peak summer these days.
Petunia, geranium, lamium, salvia |
Chives (they come back every year!), gazania, bacopa |
Salvia, lamium, petunia |
Lamium, petunia, lantana |
This container is on the back patio, so it doesn't violate my color rule. Red petunias aren't normally my thing, but everything changed once I spotted the coleus (burgundy wedding train)! It was easy to pick out a few other things to make up a container.
Petunia, coleus (burgundy wedding train), sweet potato vine.
Please disregard the irrigation hose. |
*Why no red or orange flowers? Our house is blue (SW 0048: Bunglehouse Blue) and white (SW 6119: Antique White) and brown brick. I think red, white, and blue is just too easy...and too bold or harsh. I'm sticking with yellow, white, pink, purple, and blue flowers in the front yard. I don't hate red flowers or anything like that--not at all! I just thought it would be an interesting challenge after we moved here and painted the house. Mr. H. things I'm nuts (especially once he heard my reasoning), but I'm sticking with my resolution.
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