I started the slow process of reconstructing the bathroom today, starting with subfloor repairs. The tracksaw came in handy today and made this part of the job efficient and also kept the mess outside.
While the plywood was outside, I marked a grid pattern for the screws that attach the plywood to the subfloor, 4 inches from the edges and spaced 6 inches across the surface of the sheet.
The shower base plywood is in. Now to move on to resolve other issues...
The toilet flange needed to be replaced, in addition to resolving some water damage around the pipes. The old one was rusted and in generally bad condition. It was also at the wrong height. I attempted to remove the flange from the pipe but found the old PVC elbow was embrittled and shattered as I attempted to remove the old flange. Off to the hardware store for plumbing goods...two Home Depots later, I had what I needed and installed a new closet elbow in the same location as the old one. I also added blocking to better support the plywood patch panel.
Then I used the jigsaw to cut the hole in the patch piece:
Finally, I worked on the last piece of underlayment of the day: to span from the toilet back west towards the shower. This was an almost 8-foot piece. I marked off the hole for the toilet and repeated the mark, drill, cut process, this time outside. I also marked off for where this piece maneuvers around a wall in the bathroom and cut that opening as well.
Fits like a glove. The only challenge was physically moving what is almost a 4' x 8'6" piece of plywood through the house. I had in the room but then realized the orientation was all wrong. I had to pull the plywood back into the reading nook, reorient, then bring the plywood back into the room. Once it was in there, I secured everything with screws. I used almost a full box to complete the work so far.
Next up is to finish the shower drain plumbing, then I can set the shower base and then finish installing the underlayment. I have the last piece cut and inside the house, with only a few fitting cuts to make before I can put this piece in place
Tonight, I felt energetic enough to cook (um, reheat, maybe), and enjoyed a delicious meal off the menu at an exclusive Swedish restaurant, IKEA of Sweden.
Tomorrow, I'll make another trip to Menards to pick up the plumbing supplies that were not in stock at TWO Home Depot stores. I may even return a crate of surplus electrical supplies. If all goes well, I can start hanging drywall and GoBoard tomorrow.
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