The house isn't the same these days without our faithful friend. We miss her terribly and still can't quite believe that she's no longer here. We were moving a little slowly for a few weeks (and still are, some days), but we are are beginning to make progress again on the kitchen project.
Last night, we finished up the installation of some under cabinet lights. One of our neighbors is an electrician, so we hit him up for some expert advice, which he was very happy to give once we were clear that we weren't asking him to do the work! He even offered to order the stuff we needed at cost through his company. Awesome sauce.
These lights are amazing - long strips of the tiniest LEDs ever that are mounted using a super strong sticker-style adhesive. Just peel away the paper and stick under the cabinet. They won't get hot, they'll last forever, and they are not an eyesore. Once the counters were installed, we borrowed a sample light box from the neighbor so we could pick the lights that would best illuminate our space: the right brightness, color, intensity...and price.
Nate put in a lot of work before last night's final steps: he carefully made a plan using the catalog and information generously provided by our kind neighbor. He installed a transformer in the basement, pulled wires through the walls, and connected it all to the light switch. He even put up some special shiny tape where the lights would go to enhance the effect. Last night was the last part - putting up the sticky strips of lights, drilling small holes in the cabinets to thread the wire through, and connecting it all to the light switch.
The back of the LED strip with the backing paper pulled away. |
All of the tiny lights! |
Nate drilled small holes in the cabinets to hide the wire. |
(Nobody will ever know...but us! And you. Ssshh!) |
Voila! |
The counter looks even more beautiful! Not washed out at all! |
Upcoming work: the backsplash tile will arrive sometime next week! The island will be installed! The FLOOR!
Wow— that’s really bright for what appears to be high end Christmas lights...