I shouldn't have celebrated the bulbs...

...because the snow came back. It came BACK! Stupid snow.

At first, I wasn't really worried about the crocus: they're hardy little guys and sometimes poke through snow to bloom. The green shoots just appeared--no flowers or even buds yet. It's not supposed to be very cold for very long, but the projected low overnight temperatures made me think twice.

I don't know. Do these projections count as extended extreme cold?

As I thought about it more, I became more concerned. Enter the internet. 

Dave says I shouldn't spend too much time thinking about it:
If the foliage emerged fairly recently, you probably don't have much to worry about. Foliage is not often damaged by cold. If it is, the plant still often recovers fully and goes on to bloom without any adverse affects.
I don't know who Dave is, but I feel better. 

I will feel much better (won't everyone?) when the snow is GONE for GOOD. 
