WoodEpox - a great restoration product

Do you have wood rot problems you need to solve, without wanting to replace or install new wood? Look no further than WoodEpox from Abatron. In further installments to this blog, I'll outline some of the work I did with this wonder product (and that's not an overstatement!). Here's a video from the manufacturer outlining some uses of their products.

When I stopped in at Bliffert Hardware in search of a local supplier for WoodExpx, the sales clerk mentioned the pros use it and recommend it highly, and that it was "the good stuff." Score.

After using it, I agree...it's the good stuff. Ms. K mentioned it's my new favorite product. More on how we used it later.


  1. I mean...if it's good enough for the Statue of Liberty and Mount Vernon, surely it will do for our little Shorewood bungalow.


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