On the second and third weekends of July, you can take your pick of garden tours in the area. Rotary gardens, private gardens, east side, west side, short jaunts out of town...there's sure to be one to fulfill your flower fancy. My mom usually happens to be visiting during garden tour season and this year was no exception. We have participated in the Shorewood and Cedarburg tours during her previous visits, so it was fun to find a new one this year for us to enjoy. Naturally, I wanted to pick the right combination of garden tour and lunch spot for our outing on July 11. Sheboygan Area Garden Walk and a pizza lunch at Il Ritrovo? Port Washington Garden Walk and refreshments at Baltica Bistro? Wauwatosa Secret Gardens Tour and a French repast at Le Rêve? Ding ding ding!
It was a warm day, so I'm glad we started early. We toured six private gardens (that is, walked through yards with the permission
and encouragement of the owners) in addition to the grounds of the Kneeland-Walker house, home of the Wauwatosa Historical Society. They all were lovely and I took photos of several things I'd like to incorporate into our yard. Somewhere, somehow, someday.
Cleome, "Spider plant" |
Speedwell, "Sightseeing mix" (purple, pink, white spikes of flowers) |
Evolvulus, "Blew my mind" |
Lisianthus. I adore lisianthus, partly because my mom gave me a bouquet of purple flowers for my college graduation. |
Hydrangea, "L.A. Dreamin'." Very compact! |
Jacob's Ladder, named for obvious reasons |
Fern leaf peony! |
Cascading flower box |
Simply bursting with with blooms! |
Stone and concrete bird bath (even though I do not like birds) |
Chinese astilbe, but how many purple spikey things do I really need? |
Oh, and lunch at Le Rêve was delicious! How could it be otherwise there? Mom loved it - excellent choice. We had a very pleasant garden tour this year!
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